Nearly 100 years after its creation, the power of the U.S. Federal Reserve has never been greater. Markets and governments around the world hold their breath in anticipation of the Fed Chairman's every word. Yet the average person knows very little a[展开全部]
Nearly 100 years after its creation, the power of the U.S. Federal Reserve has never been greater. Markets and governments around the world hold their breath in anticipation of the Fed Chairman's every word. Yet the average person knows very little about the most powerful - and least understood - financial institution on earth. Narrated by Liev Schreiber, Money For Nothing is the first film to take viewers inside the Fed and reveal the impact of Fed policies - past, present, and future - on our lives. Join current and former Fed officials as they debate the critics, and each other, about the decisions that helped lead the global financial system to the brink of collapse in 2008. And why we might be headed there again.《金钱无用:深入美联储电影网友评论》1944 Bretton Woods - 1960s LBJ overspending for Vietnam - 1971 Nixon turned USD to floating fiat currency - “Great Inflation” - 1979 Paul Volcker appointed to raise rates - 1987 Greenspan appointed - soft landing for 1987 stock market crash - LTCM Greenspan Put cleaned up the mess but not the root of the problem - Bernanke continued bailout and QE关于宏观的纪录片,隔几年再看反而会比较能给人启发。这部电影是2013年拍摄的,那时候耶伦奶奶还只是联储副主席。7年过去了,美国创造出了历史上最长的牛市,原本06-10年间反向游走的利率和失业率曲线双双掉头向下,失业率创下50年低点。即便加入能源价格,通胀依然温和,这在很大程度上有赖于当时根本没有预见到的页岩革命的巨大成功 -- 宏观复杂系统,很大程度上真的不是我们以一己之力就能了解和预测的,因为交杂而互相影响的可变因素,实在太多。作为校友,想为伯南克说两句公道话。影片中伯南克说控制局势有100%的信心,建立在他博士期间研究大萧条的论文。可以说,美国有伯南克是幸运的,因为举国上下几乎没有人比他更了解大萧条的成因和治理办法。而他的坚定,也为大卫泰伯的封神一战在逻辑上提供了有力的支持。介绍美联储发展史,交织近现代美国重大经济危机史。也请了好多FED里的前任和行业内人士评价当年的掌权人和货币政策,帮助理解80年代以来,美联储是如何一步一步演变成"强大机构",却放松监管以及监管不当,助推了美国虚假繁荣。从stock bubble ,到housing bubble ,下一个是美国国债?非常有话题警示意义的纪录片。b站有生肉版。以美联储对利息调控的视角来看08金融危机,其中有专家是在《监守自盗》里出现过的,但相比之下影片基调更中立一些,聊的也更宏观更深入。在这种形势下,影片最后依然鼓励大家对未来充满希望,让人心情不至于那么沉重。应该是宏观角度解读金融危机最好的纪录片了。Same old story. Is it too convenient for all future regulators to simply lay blame on Greenspan?后天美联储要加息了,这个时间点看这个片其实我只是有种被资本主义无形的操控的感觉,印钱和低利息就能解决问题,结果让全世界买单,让承受不了风险的买单。。。从股市泡沫到房地产泡沫到政府债务泡沫,没人想看见depression,怎么办呢,再开启一轮QE吧!净利率也不是终点,欧洲有银行都负利率了。很好的central banking科普,从长期低利率到无限QE,无中生有的奥秘——让穷人的子孙来还吧!子子孙孙无穷尽也……无caption将就着看完了,格林斯潘和伯南克时代对现在的美元影响太大了,沃尔克对美联储独立性贡献甚巨看得有點點困,但還是看完了。幾行字能說完的事情,擴展拍了一部片子。黑出翔哈哈哈哈!!!但是最后怎么变成励志片了!!之前想著會有獨家披露,其實只是一部知識短片。讲了美联储的历史,历次金融危机及其应对等[收起部分]