DETENTION SUCKS BUT ITS KILLER FUN: Its four years later, and a new group of students has been placed in Saturday detention at the infamous and prestigious Crestview Academy. When Siouxsie, sophomore undercrust, crashes the party to avenge her sisters dea[展开全部]
DETENTION SUCKS BUT ITS KILLER FUN: Its four years later, and a new group of students has been placed in Saturday detention at the infamous and prestigious Crestview Academy. When Siouxsie, sophomore undercrust, crashes the party to avenge her sisters death, a Saturday detention reserved for the privileged seniors of Crestview Academy turns into a date in hell. Its not long before a naïve pussycat lover, gay drug dealer, smokin hot preachers daughter, squeaky-clean senators son, and the uninvited younger outsider find themselves locked-up in school with no way out, wondering who (or what) has set them up. Hilarity and suspense ensue while each bad kid pits one against the other, and one by one each falls victim to absurdly gruesome accidents while trying to escape. (Based on the best-selling graphic novel sequel Bad Kids Go 2 Hell.)《坏孩子下地狱2》下载观后评论:一大堆说看不懂的问题??看来大家都是没有看过第一部吗?虽然我是刚刚第一部接着第二部看完的.但是我也有很多疑问???顺便说一下第二部的清洁工也是第一部里的清洁工..然后精神病院男的是第一部被带走男主角...看到最后女boss没有死然后第一部男主没有从精神病院逃脱出来..所以应该还会有续集的吧.开场节奏慢+造势矬,可同时漫画风瞬间找补回来;中间开始伪罗生门,略烦中二的时候突然又插入无码校园系列;后期开挂B级血浆风,阴谋论如洋葱皮。任何突兀的战五渣女主都需要一个突然上线的狙击手~片尾又蹿出哥特轻熟萝莉紧身装加持~音乐蛮好,字幕结束后还有小彩蛋。粗制滥造,全程不可思议的尴尬和莫名其妙……这还是个第一部只有三点五分的续集电影,看这一部结尾那势头,还会有续集……我一定是看了部假电影!青少年虐杀片 虽然假了点 有漫画打底 剧情还行 坏孩子的背后是坏家长 正所谓螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后 幕后还有幕后 还有隐藏的角色一部超级垃圾的电视电影,剧情烂得没边,演技全部为0,特效一毛钱不值,没看过的可以不用下了,这片真的是浪费眼睛。青少年虐杀片虽然假了点有漫画打底剧情还行坏孩子的背后是坏家长正所谓螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后幕后还有幕后还有隐藏的角色青春校园血腥漫画暴力,杀人动机不够深刻只是简单的意识,结尾要续集第3部的节奏。唯一觉得不错的就是穿插了漫威式的漫画风格~剧情杀人效果好渣~阴谋隐藏的深呀。。只叫人死亡不断。。。将就吧,有别的事情就不要看这个电影了还我时间!还我电费!还我硬盘磨损!這片兒是拍給腦殘學生黨看的吧...片头动画好评,我只能这么说。[收起部分]