From the director and producers of The Seven Five comes Operation Odessa, a true crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. A gangster epic that hopscotches[展开全部]
From the director and producers of The Seven Five comes Operation Odessa, a true crime thriller about a Russian mobster, a Miami playboy and a Cuban spy who teamed up to sell a nuclear submarine to a Colombian drug cartel. A gangster epic that hopscotches from Brooklyn to Miami and Cali to Moscow, the documentary tells the story of three friends who set out to hustle the Russian mob, the Cali cartel, and the DEA for the score of a lifetime. The tale became an international media sensation. But the truth about what really happened has remained an underworld myth - until now.《敖德萨行动》下载观后评论:一个Russian mobster, 一个Miami arms trafficker, 一个Cuba drug dealer在Moscow买潜艇然后以$35m的价格卖给Colombian drug cartel 然后大佬再私吞掉钱的故事. 精彩到想打8颗星! 精彩到你无法相信这是个documentary! 精彩到你只想不停的说”what fucking amazing life!!!”"你们买潜艇的话,要不要连导弹一起买?"片中所涉及人物,无论是在逃三十年至今通缉中的邪恶老炮,还是如今仍然在卧底打击黑帮的探员,全员登场接受采访!让人不禁联想到前几年好莱坞影星西恩潘采访越狱逃亡中的矮子毒枭。甘比诺家族 毒枭巴勃罗 卡利集团 黑帮掮客 前古巴情报人员 末日苏联…带你走进一个真实疯狂的国际犯罪世界!魔幻现实主义!!!炸裂推荐!!!"We outsmart them." 又靚又醒又混蛋的Tony竟然是本人出鏡,牛逼。(可是2019年10月在意大利被捕了)好看,故事比好多黑帮电影都精彩,而且还是开心结局。不过标签竟然有个 宫崎骏??几个国际毒贩的犯罪自述。。。看得出来当时的俄罗斯政府是多么腐败无能。。一帮路子野的恶人传。比教父 爱尔兰人 美国往事玩得还大。再叹苏联解体。笑死我了 l̶e̶g̶e̶n̶d̶ FloridaMan几句话的事nmd拍了1个半 50分钟就能搞定 铺垫太多了买潜艇被问要不要核武器真的超级bad ass了犯罪分子的前半生,确实看着很好的个人纪录片意气风发!大时代背景下恶棍们的黄金岁月。8,牛X,这不就是《战争之王》真人版吗?我要笑死了 太牛逼了 真开我眼界了[收起部分]