主演:吉娜·菲利普斯 / Alex Hassell / 凯莉·雪莉 / 安德鲁·诺 / Jack Bailey / John Lebar / Romla Walker / Tom Wontner / Gregg Harris / Finlay Carr / Sam Burke / Abe Buckoke / Alfie Owen / Shannon O'Callaghan / Callie Ward导演:Curtis Radclyffe语言:英语 地区: 英国 编剧:Curtis Radclyf[展开全部]
主演:吉娜·菲利普斯 / Alex Hassell / 凯莉·雪莉 / 安德鲁·诺 / Jack Bailey / John Lebar / Romla Walker / Tom Wontner / Gregg Harris / Finlay Carr / Sam Burke / Abe Buckoke / Alfie Owen / Shannon O'Callaghan / Callie Ward导演:Curtis Radclyffe语言:英语 地区: 英国 编剧:Curtis Radclyffe类型:恐怖上映时间:2007-02-13别名:The Host / The Prey / 瘟疫病房 / 恐怖病房用户标签:恐怖,惊悚,英国,悬疑,英国电影,电影,心理,2007片长:Germany: 100 分钟(European Film Market)imdb编号:tt0451197ANNA Gina Philips is an ambitious young archaeologist. She desperately needs the kudos of an important find. But her work is ruined when the authorities suddenly shut down the old hospital in which she is working. Plague spores contaminate its medieval foundations. ANNA is convinced that this ancient plague site holds an even darker secret. In her research she has stumbled on a murderous pattern of unexplained child deaths. This is a very cold case; the children disappeared in 1665, the year of the GREAT PLAGUE. The 'suits' at her museum don't buy her theories and they give the go-ahead for the hospital's imminent demolition. That night ANNA risks everything, and breaks back into the hospital to prove her suspicions. Reaching for a mysterious ancient artifact, she slips and falls. Meanwhile, NICK's Alex Hassell 21st birthday celebrations are culminating in chaos. He just wanted a good night out with girlfriend JOOLZ Kellie Shirley, best mate STEVE Andrew Knott and Steve's younger brother CLIVE Jack Bailey. But a little innocent joy-riding goes badly wrong. After a fatal hit-and-run the teenagers hide out in the hospital and their fates become intertwined with ANNA'S. With luckless synchronicity two worlds collide and the ancient force that has snared the young people starts to play out its cruel game. ANNA has unwittingly resurrected the malevolent spirit of a hideous medieval PLAGUE DOCTOR John Lebar, and one by one they will all encounter his evil reincarnation - their fates mirroring the cruel deaths of his victims 350 years ago. History is repeating itself. ANNA works against the clock to unlock the secrets of the murderous PLAGUE DOCTOR. In a twisted version of Alice Through The Looking Glass, the young people find themselves fighting for their lives - and souls - in a long-forgotten medieval underworld. The only way out is for ANNA to confront the PLAGUE DOCTOR. Can she destroy him, and stop his evil spreading like a plague epidemic, into today's world? A shocking mystery that began centuries ago needs solving but even ANNA cannot see that she herself is the final piece of the puzzle. Time is her enemy and death is only the beginning. Written by Hopscotch Films《病房》下载观后评论:《病房》(又名《瘟疫病房》)——前半部分导演任性地切换画面,又是梦魇又是尘封的黑暗历史,弄足了玄乎,让人不由揣测:是闹鬼呀?怨灵复仇呀?结果真相被医生随随便便讲了两分钟就揭晓了,原来是精神分裂。尼玛精神分裂不是神经病,不该这样玩的!这是一部欧美影坛向中国惊悚片致敬的电影。恐怖片做这个片头的不是变态就是变态!片头非常不错!如果你没看过【美少女特攻队】【搏击俱乐部】【飞越疯人院】【致命id】【禁闭岛】那么这是一部非常好的电影!不过看了这些电影之后就觉得模仿的痕迹会重一点!浅显一点,看了一半多就大概知道是怎么回事了!不过结局依然不错!推荐!昨天半夜在电视上看的,前半部气氛烘托得挺好,不过最后匆匆收尾的确浪费了这么好的一个设定,尤其是在知道这部电影的主题是有关“人格分裂”之后,而且半数影评也指出了,这部电影几乎就在模仿《致命ID》,而后者显然更经典。天灾最终归结起来都是人祸如果是多重人格分裂就更无敌了~~~这个片子固然谈不上经典不过这个题材要是写好了始终会很棒里面60年代复古的衣服我觉得超好看女主角碎花上衣,蓝色裤子尤其好看= = 一点都不恐怖,人格分裂果然是万能的解释···我明明很平静的看完前面全部结,果一不小心分了神喝了口茶被最后打开镜子那么不恐怖那么不血腥那么不给力的画面给吓了一跳·····==一点都不恐怖,人格分裂果然是万能的解释···我明明很平静的看完前面全部结,果一不小心分了神喝了口茶被最后打开镜子那么不恐怖那么不血腥那么不给力的画面给吓了一跳·····果然是最近看这类的片子少了,抵抗力低了么恩~还不错,不够完美,但是挺有意思的片子真吃不消某些观众,到处喷,要么喷这片子不够吓人,要么喷那片子太吓人了。。。脑子不好么不错的恐怖片。但总觉得和禁闭岛如出一辙啊。知道结局后,没有回看找一下剧情和动作上的破绽,我相信是找得到的。不过就从场景设置和气氛营造上来说,还是成功的。美丽的少女得了多重人格分裂,在医生们的努力下其他人格被一个个杀死,但是深刻的心理创伤是永远也无法治愈的。整体上说一般般啦。骚年们,看你们大多数人的评论都是向着卡朋特的《病院惊魂》而不是这部英国恐怖片。几百号人跟着来发错评论,真是智商捉急。谁说精神分裂就得分裂成俩人,该片直接分裂成6个人,精神分裂的好处在于分裂成三人可以斗地主,分裂成四人可以打麻将~不知道为何评分这么低,是不是因为剧情发展脱离观众的设想。为这不符合我预想的那一步转折也要多加一分。虽然有些狗血。一开始以为是密室虐杀片,后来才发现是神经病的人格分裂。《你好,疯子》,《致命ID》还不够玩的,这个来凑。[收起部分]