surreal, dreamlike, unorthodox...see it. This film was shown as "Every Day God Kisses Us On The Mouth" at the Philadelphia Film Festival this year to a surprisingly large crowd; it was met with more than its share of confused silence. I think th[展开全部]
surreal, dreamlike, unorthodox...see it. This film was shown as "Every Day God Kisses Us On The Mouth" at the Philadelphia Film Festival this year to a surprisingly large crowd; it was met with more than its share of confused silence. I think the audience expected something different then what was on screen...Personally I went in expecting a film about a serial killer and his pet goose, something akin to a Romanian twist on Gaspar Noe‘s utterly brilliant "Seul Contre Tous". Sure, that‘s perhaps a fraction of it, but as the film moves forth, it reveals itself to be a highly surreal, unorthodox, and sad film. I find the plot very hard to summarize because there is so much of it, for better or worse depending upon who views the film. The first hour or so follows a fairly steady course. Dimitru has just been released from jail, and upon returning home finds his wife pregnant with his brother‘s child. The plot also involves murder, arson, pet geese, and some truly incredible, dreamlike imagery very much befitting a film so bizarre. In a way the film becomes a series of very interesting, very lovely, but very frustrating paintings. I can‘t recommend this film to everyone or pretend to have made sense of the whole affair, but to those willing to experience a film very unique, beautiful, and haunting, you will find your efforts to find this film richly rewarded.《每天上帝都会亲吻我们的嘴唇》下载观后评论:谁为刀俎谁为鱼肉?吉普赛的天鹅绒之殇+死魂灵的多瑙河之远。列车窗口飞行的Lena幻影,契如奥利维拉的《安赫利卡奇遇》。惨烈伏笔:断颈之鹅。电视屏&脸孔。动物群像契如《爱的激流》。沉舟。|我不相信奇迹。|为什么要折磨它,它也是有灵魂的。|人在河边走,哪有不湿鞋?PS:色调很苏联。色调显得很脏 画质也不理想 讲了一个阴暗晦涩的故事 妻子被弟弟强奸 家庭崩溃 一个男人求死不得 对准自己的枪口放的是哑弹 女人疯狂地挥刀却毫发无伤 最后一幕树林中把绝望感推向了极致 孤独比死亡更可怕 镜头有很多亮点 比如电视机中的人脸特写 飞驰火车窗户上的莱娜 浴缸里的死鹅头一个野蛮生长的屠夫,从影片开始到结束,他的屠杀就未停止过,既杀牲畜,也杀亲人。他总是在追寻一些东西,可一切都离他远去。只有上帝的身影,若隐若现地似乎一直存在,却总是与他擦身而过。他对生一无所恋,死的却总是别人。很有意思的一部影片,画面很粗砺,却又很吸引人。白鹅是去往天堂的领路人,被吉普赛人预言马上就死的德米特鲁却怎么也死不了。人人都告诉他世道变了,遭到上帝诅咒的德米彷如撒旦附体,走到哪儿都逃不出这活地狱。画质太糙,2001年的片啊。2016.5.29迅雷英文字幕野蛮的屠夫也有让人心酸的时候家庭破碎的悲惨相伴的小鹅报恩魔幻超现实还挺喜欢这种表现方式的男主眼神好评让人心碎让人疼后半段有点拖三星半吧第175个标记求死不得,求生无能,去找上帝父亲,父亲只是在天边笑。(片中一些直男癌情节和台词比较恶心人,比如老婆随时都能再找,兄弟可是绝无仅有……)精神上的尋父之旅,與霧中風景如出一轍,“西方文化中一直有一位大寫的父親”,在這裡,上帝與他發生了聯繫。片名起的好,內容乏善可陳。树欲静而风不止,想一了百了却事事与愿违。她说:你就快死了。他以为自己真的快死了,结果是身边的人一个一个死掉,他生不如死。阴暗,晦涩,隐喻,即使看不懂,这类电影也有它独特的意义。它的引申意可以延展到民族。身边的人一个一个死掉,他生不如死。每场戏都非常有张力,镜头出奇地简洁,但是总感觉少了点什么,后三分之一稍稍有点拖沓。三星半。白头老绝户, 杀人不留情;凌世反目仇, 刀俎断颈鹅;在世无牵挂, 尽在杀人中上帝歡笑,人間依舊。當身陷絕望泥潭之中,請往上看看那些身處絕望之巔的人們。白头老绝户,杀人不留情;凌世反目仇,刀俎断颈鹅;在世无牵挂,尽在杀人中[收起部分]