In spite of his best efforts, Jack Harriman (Burke) is a leader of men. Starting from a young age, Jack was whisked around the globe by his mother in search of 'enlightenment' and the next big thing in religion at that time. Due to his upbringin[展开全部]
In spite of his best efforts, Jack Harriman (Burke) is a leader of men. Starting from a young age, Jack was whisked around the globe by his mother in search of 'enlightenment' and the next big thing in religion at that time. Due to his upbringing Jack has figured out that his extensive knowledge of religion and spirituality coupled with his amazing knack for humor and charm has allowed him to sway the opinions of men and lure the affections of the ladies. Realizing his best friends 'gifts' local TV station owner and producer Bob McCord asks Jack to help him out and co-host a local access cable TV show, "Divine Access". Although reluctant at first, Jack realizes it as a forum to discredit the spiritual phonies he sees each week on the program, and therefore welcomes the opportunity to put to task the intolerant, narrow-minded regular host, the Reverend Guy-Roy. After highly successful ratings of the show in which Jack was able to deliver his message (or non-message as he sees it) Bob encourages Jack to take the show on the road as his alone, leaving the irreverent Reverend Guy-Roy out of luck and out of a job. Reluctance again befalls Jack as he fears becoming exactly the kind of 'spiritual leader' he was raised resenting. With further sway from Bob and a visit from the mysterious Miriam who knows Jack's true heart, he decides to hit the road with the show. With his new career now moving forward "flock" and all Jack is a hit on his show's tour, while back at home Guy Roy's life is spiraling out of control.《精神领袖》下载观后评论:询问问题的人,他们只是在寻找一个他们相信的答案,仅此而已。妹子们很靓。男主走的颓废派路线,涩的不行。这样的大胡子大叔很吃得住妹子们的。金句串烧,不过高频的也就那么几句。不过还是会让人不住思考,到底我们需要的是什么?每个人都在不同时空尺度上经历着种种神知道会发生什么的事情,这一切都变得越来越糟糕。好像这个世界并不应该这样继续存在下去,有什么理由去肯定一些模模糊糊的位置呢?这太扯了。这是条产业链。有人就是需要相信些什么,去信仰一些什么。另一些人则贩卖内容,卖给那些想要这些内容的人们。从中牟取利益。这是个庞大的市场。人,总是需要获得救赎,救赎什么?肉体和内心的痛苦?可为什么又要从他人嘴中获取呢?自己的思考呢?这就实在太奇怪了。经过别人思考咀嚼过的内容更富有滋味嘛?未可知。[人为什么会有信仰] 是一个永远不该被问起的问题。虽然探讨的过程永远不会无聊,但却没有人可以给出世界满意的答案。这部片子也是一样,伪神不死就没办法结尾,死掉之后还要灌鸡汤,那中间的一百分钟都白看了呗。我们把应用性极广的言论当作真理,把经验当作智慧,我们崇拜的不过是记忆力和时间罢了。剧情的设计有些奇怪,大概唯一的要点就是迷茫。男主的巡回讲演也是语焉不详,爱与此世的感悟好像并不足以支撑剧情中的所谓哲思。当旧有的宗教宣讲变得陈腐甚至偏执,新的宗教形式却并没有很好的出现并架构。主角的回归真实的丧感信念并不适应期待神迹的世界,这大概是一整个社会的迷茫感存在的原因。其实,可以拍得更轻松更深刻些,这部片子和印度的《额滴神啊》想比,渣出天际。灵修界肮脏无耻虚伪的真相根本就没揭示出来,全片唯有一句“有人希望相信,就有人去给他们相信的(大意)”有意义。当下的这一世,是能把握的,至于其它,可以先当它没有吧。毕竟,不能证明存在的东西,把它当作不存在没什么影响,至少是没有坏处。有启发性。可以看看。完全不知道讲什么……貌似想讲深奥的哲学,可是讲得什么都不是。除了最后那一幕,让我相信,控制枪枝有多重要和必要!有点无聊,探讨人性信念信仰,只能说,现实生活中的人们需要一个精神领袖,慰藉。临了,主人公成了耶稣,复活与否不是重点——泡在“天堂”里真心不错^_^信仰缺失可怕,迷信更可怕。若能交代男主死於27歲,便更有了一層深意。迷失与指引,作恶与救赎,其实都是与自我的对话。这碗鸡汤竟然还有余味。另一种“偶滴神哦”,电影还行,看的人怎么这么少?呜。。。底层平民的精神生活还真是令人自怜啊。狼爸好帅,还有全裸,可惜没有找到高清版本的。[收起部分]