主演:泰格·诺塔洛导演:Kristina Goolsby / Ashley York语言:英语 地区: 美国 编剧:Jennifer Arnold类型:纪录片上映时间:别名:用户标签:纪录片,Netflix,美国,Documentary,2015,传记,喜剧,人性片长:imdb编号:tt3986532An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just day[展开全部]
主演:泰格·诺塔洛导演:Kristina Goolsby / Ashley York语言:英语 地区: 美国 编剧:Jennifer Arnold类型:纪录片上映时间:别名:用户标签:纪录片,Netflix,美国,Documentary,2015,传记,喜剧,人性片长:imdb编号:tt3986532An intimate, mixed media documentary that follows Tig Notaro, a Los Angeles based comedian, who just days after being diagnosed with invasive stage II breast cancer changed the course of her career with a poignant stand-up set that became legendary overnight. This documentary explores Tig's extraordinary journey as her career ignites and as her life unfolds in grand and unexpected ways, all the while continuing to battle a life-threatening illness, falling in love and trying to have a baby all at the same time. This film is a hybrid of comedy and drama that captures a personal journey about facing crisis head on with honesty and grace and overcoming pain and suffering with the healing power of comedy. It's a story about moving forward during a period of your life when you don't know what is going to happen. When you are willing to risk it all for what you believe is the right thing to do and for what you want to happen in this life.《泰格》下载观后评论:她简洁冷静没有表情的风格令人印象深刻,很多喜剧演员都是把苦难变成笑梗,但是那种苦难或许是回头看才觉得是苦难,她把很新鲜的发生在自己身上的苦难变成了荒谬的对生活的挖苦,非常大胆。纪录片又从侧面描绘了她的爱情故事,以及作为女性想要孩子的追寻之旅。我的室友說,這樣的我可以。yes我也可以天呐和Stephanie一起好甜喔/"Seagull with diarrhea barely makes it to crowded beach in time." Hey diarrhea jokes! You! You!..作为tig的粉,很感谢有这样一个片子可以去了解她,所以五星。tig和stephanie也太甜了吧,实在是太令人向往了,有时候会很想把自己托付给某人。对待痛苦磨难,举重若轻,活在当下。以及实在是太欣赏tig的自信了,太迷人。touching and so sweet... when life punches you, go make lemonade out of pain, take chances and just live像Tig这样稳重幽默拥有强大气场的人 真的是非常难得 一直觉得喜剧人是一个可悲的身份 将自己的一切都要以诙谐的方式表达出来 其中的苦楚大概只有自己和爱的人了解 Stephanie太爱笑了吧 可以说是理想型了生死是最大的事。把自己的疾病与生死当做一个荒诞玩笑分享,多么坚强;且由此对他人产生了正面积极的影响,又多么可贵。爱是最奇妙的事。在爱里可以真正认识自己,面对所有的不幸仍矢志不渝,相扶相依,彼此成就。最早知道Tig还是在艾伦秀上,只知道她得了癌症,治愈了。最近看《拉字至上Q世代》蛮喜欢艾丽丝女友,结果看到这部片子知道她们在一起的经历。经历苦难依然坚强生活的人,值得拥有美好。“God never gives you more than your handle. ” “YES !God is right. I can handle this.” 妈妈的去世方法真的很荒诞。切乳房的梗出现了三次,微小差异,最后一次终于哄堂大笑,非常重要的节奏和节点。(笑话是两部分,铺垫和抛笑梗/故事是三部分,开头中间结尾)上帝总有太多预料之外的安排,而comedian还要把这种磨难转换成给观众的笑料,真的挺不容易的,但是又有一种魅力在。对Stand-up越来越感兴趣。前半部分好惨,重病+癌症+母亲突然去世+分手,但Tig遇到Stephanie以后就超级甜了,看得让人也想生孩子和组建家庭的那种甜。爱情真好啊。太甜了,看完之后发现密西西比竟然大部分是你俩真实发生的。Tig真是太有吸引力了,但是我的目光随着Stepahnie全集漂移233很动人,tig人生转折,面对一系列灾难的态度,用博客找代孕,遇到女朋友之后变了人一样疯狂发短信,从tig的经历感受到了很多。[收起部分]