ABIGAIL dreams of acceptance. An eternal outcast returning to school for the first time after a mysterious event the previous year, Abigail escapes from her hostile surroundings by immersing herself in the worlds of the characters she reads about. MELISSA[展开全部]
ABIGAIL dreams of acceptance. An eternal outcast returning to school for the first time after a mysterious event the previous year, Abigail escapes from her hostile surroundings by immersing herself in the worlds of the characters she reads about. MELISSA wants control--she's a sophomore struggling to ignore her dysfunctional home life by using her sex appeal and cruelty to manipulate her surroundings, latching on especially to her new and naive friend, Sophie. SOPHIE is convinced that Melissa's life--that is, a life she sees as full of popularity, parties, boys, and power--is what will make her happy, and will stop at nothing to emulate her. ELLIE, an observant writer and Sophie's childhood best-friend, isn't sure what she wants--except to get out of the rut of self-resentment and falsity that her peers have dragged her into, and to find proof that that's not all there is... Enter JEREMY, a substitute teacher going through some soul-searching of his own, who arrives at the school and introduces Abigail's drama class to Arthur Miller's 'The Crucible'. The parallels between Abigail's life and the play begin when Jeremy steps in as her scene partner, and she starts to sink into a familiar escape, immersing herself in this new character...but her plans take an unexpected turn when their relationship begins to move beyond the fantasy world she's constructed. This strange and taboo bond quickly becomes a source of fascination for both Ellie and Melissa. As she observes them, Ellie falls in love with their story, convinced she's finally found truth in a fake world--while Melissa is suddenly driven to see Abigail no longer as a victim, but as a threat. Well used to being the one earning male attention, Melissa resents the relationship building between Abigail and Jeremy, and their closeness quickly becomes a symbol of everything she's missing in her own life. Pulling Sophie into a downward spiral with her as she struggles to maintain her carefully constructed hierarchy, Melissa finally strikes out to destroy what Abigail has--and what she's always truly wanted--someone who will finally love her for who she really is. Set against the bleary backdrop of quiet suburbia, zoomed in on the lives of five lost souls within one close-knit high school, Blame is an honest coming-of-age tale about the many paths that become tangled when we refuse to face reality in our search for love.《归咎》下载观后评论:梅丽莎和艾比盖尔两个人女人的撕逼大战,一方不择手段地维持在班级的地位,一方活在戏剧里逃避现实,而当她和老师杰米因排演戏剧而生情所引起的两个女人势力的不平衡,直接导致最终梅丽莎的诬告老师性侵毁掉艾比盖尔的生活。拍的不好,拖拖拉拉的剧情有很多狗血之处,格局也很小,不算好的作品。开始只觉得女主长得很脱俗有气质,楚楚可怜而无助的样子和其他妖艳贱货不一样,没想到这片子还是她导演的,真是有颜有才,已关注。霸凌别人者最终自食恶果,这算是比较大快人心的了,只是真搞不懂国外中学生的审美,虽然婊里婊气的受追捧不新鲜,但这么美的女孩子还忍心欺负就天理难容了。典型的女性导演作品,有着男性没有的细腻,但也带着特有的自我陶醉和矫情,背后捅刀子两个同学的那条线实在尴尬,语焉不详。最后两段交叉剪辑根本没有任何张力而言,放到一起异常突兀。至于片中女生友谊应了那句话“两个漂亮的女人只能是敌人,两个满脸粉刺的女人很快就会成为莫逆”。双女主之战!一个因为在校园受到排挤所幸目空一切,住进了剧本;一个因为没有幸福家庭开始放浪形骸目空一切,做尽了一切可恶之事。结果为了一个角色,二人针尖对麦芒,腹黑心机暗中斗法,男老师也成了无辜的“牺牲品”。最终,赢的笑了,输的蔫了,一场没有意义的较量究竟该归咎于谁?典型的青春片,剧情特简单女主由于某些原因好久没上学,终于返校了,这种青春片了永远都有个#贱女孩#,看她各种不顺眼[白眼],就想整她,外加贱女孩觉得自己就是班里的女王,所有人都得顺她的意思,然后,就是老套的来新的男老师,排演戏剧,分角色,排挤,撕逼,拍的一般1/6 at City Cinemas Village East/nyc. 映后见到了主创,女主+导演很有才华,小小年纪能拍出这样的电影挺不容易了。问她是怎么想到要拍这个题材的,不出所料果然是高中时喜欢过老师啊....个人觉得电影本身太多俗套,配乐倒是不错1.5/5 连一个普通故事都讲不利索,居然还要多线齐发。无论是剧情还是人物的完整性都极差,仿佛在照搬一本被撕烂的日记碎像,既无深度也乏趣味,主题混乱不堪,情节毫无逻辑。倒是床戏和开放性结尾学得像模像样,也算是小姑娘拍了个高级个人写真集罢了。1.5/5连一个普通故事都讲不利索,居然还要多线齐发。无论是剧情还是人物的完整性都极差,仿佛在照搬一本被撕烂的日记碎像,既无深度也乏趣味,主题混乱不堪,情节毫无逻辑。倒是床戏和开放性结尾学得像模像样,也算是小姑娘拍了个高级个人写真集罢了。表面上mellisa将一切归咎于Abigail,但真正该负责的另有其人。缺点在于两个角色形象都比较单薄,有演技的问题也有人物刻画的问题。但19岁能自编自导自演成这样很可以了,更别提我本来就是为了舔颜才来看的。青春校园小电影,Shephard妹妹自导自演,挺有想法。大家闹来闹去也不知道上不上课了,年轻人就是这样,没什么事也得弄出点事。男主无感,嘴型丑出天际,Shepherd妹子太招人爱,简直美版林黛玉,直取人魂魄。信息量略大导致有些头重脚轻我本来以为多个角色会在后半段有更多交集和变化 个人感觉Abigail是缺少父爱 Melissa为了逃避现实 Jeremy同时成为两人所需 95年的妹子自编自导自演还是很厉害的女主厉害,根本不像有心理疾病啊……女二是被家里那个非亲生父亲非礼过吗?看起来想表达这个意思,但前面都没有铺垫。比较乱,不算一部好电影,考虑那么年轻的女主到自编自导自演,➕一星。剧本与The Crucible的对仗整齐又有气质,虽然有的地方很白很稚嫩了,但对于如此年轻的影人来说还是非常强的。女性角色写得特别好,Nadia演得也好,还不错的处女作。[收起部分]